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Tips for choosing eyebrow pencil colors

1.Choose eyebrow pencil color according to hair color
When choosing the color of the eyebrow pencil, the most basic reference points are hair color, skin tone, and eyes.

Hair color: linen, reddish brown
Eyebrow pencil color: light brown

Tips: The best eyebrow color is the same color as the hair color, and the difference in density should not be too great.

Hair color: dark brown, rose gold, black brown, burgundy
Eyebrow pencil color: dark brown, dark brown red

Hair color: black, gradually highlighting the tail
Eyebrow pencil color: gray and black



2. Choose eyebrow pencil color according to skin tone
Tips: Skin tone is also an important reference indicator for choosing the color of the eyebrow pencil. The skin tone mentioned here refers to the skin tone after finishing the base makeup.

Skin tone: dark skin, yellowish skin
Eyebrow pencil color: dark brown, gray and black

Skin tone: pale skin, pinkish skin
Eyebrow pencil color: light brown, dark brown


3. Choose the eyebrow pencil color according to your eyes
Tips: Did you know that the size and shape of the eyes also need to be matched with different eyebrow colors to be harmonious and beautiful. This mainly reflects the degree of visual harmony, the eyebrow color cannot steal the look of the eyes, and at the same time it cannot fail to match the look of the eyes.

Eyes: Big eyes/particularly bright black eyes/big black eyes/sharp eyes
Eyebrow pencil color: gray-black (dark and thicker eyebrows can well enhance the charm of the eyes)

Eyes: Small eyes/more white eyes/soft eyes/watery eyes
Eyebrow pencil color: light brown, dark brown (weak tones will not take the focus of the eyes, and at the same time the eyebrows should be thinner)

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